Sunday, June 24, 2018

Wednesday, 6 June 2018: Chicago

We drove into Chicago to see Paul Simon!  He has started his farewell tour that will take about two years to complete.  It Was Fabulous!!!  When we bought these tickets in February it seemed so far away and now, here we are.  

Between the two of us Justin and I have seen a handful of big names. Paul, and his 14 piece band did some old favorites as well as a few that I wasn’t familiar with at all.  This was fantastic,
We did get a laugh out of the parking attendant.  We had Gemma with us of course.  We parked and let her have a little walk about before we cracked the windows and headed to the United Center.  This process took us about 15minutes and it was broad daylight.  As we were leaving the parking lot, the young attendant told us we would not be allowed to leave our pet in the car.  I pointed out to him that he’d seen Gemma when we entered.  Justin scoffed and said we’d left her in the car all over the world.  Poor thing, he tried to explain that they couldn’t take on the responsibility should our pet “perish” — he probably spent those 15 minutes rehearsing what he’d say to us.  We assured him we’d absolve him of all responsibility.  Clearly, our beloved pet didn’t perish.
We stayed in a little pet-friendly hotel just north of Chicago.  We decided to forgo Chicago highlights since we were coming back in just a few weeks.

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