Sunday, June 3, 2018

Friday, 25 May 2018: Green Bay

Rich and Erica, our tenants on Hartung, are getting married next Saturday.  Justin (and me but just a bit) has been working like a Trojan to get the yard up to snuff.  We know how great that yard can look and we know exactly how much work it takes.  Rich and Erica are great tenants but they don’t take care of the ground they way Justin would.  Still, it will be a great place for their special day.

One of the tasks was to till the area where there was once a vegetable garden.  The next door neighbor Tony was determined to convince Justin that his gas powered Mantis would outperform our electric Mantis.  Well, just like a gas powered chain saw will outperform an electric one, we probably knew some of the advantages and disadvantages but we were happy to have Tony share in the task of tilling.  Maybe I didn’t get it Tony, can you show me again... on this spot right over here.

I made two trips to the orthodontist this week to get a new retainer.  I swore when I had braces (again, and at 50) that I’d wear my retainer the rest of my life.  Well, that means you need a new retainer every once in a while.  This one was at least ten years old and icky.  

I met Charlene for lunch at a cute little restaurant near the club called Spork.  Yes, their cutlery was really sporks.  They were rather awkward; the food was ok and it was great to visit with her.  

We met John and Laurie for sushi dinner.  This is the second time we’ve been to Sushi Lover in Green Bay and it is surprisingly authentic.  Both Justin and I were pleased.  It is nice to go out and visit but I do need to stay home and get my chores done there.  Maybe next week ...

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