Sunday, June 24, 2018

Thursday, 14 June 2018: Bayshore

Justin has been busting his butt clearing our property, resetting beds and stoking fires.
Of course, this includes chopping and burning down trees.  Last year when Kent, the tree guy, came over, we put the trimmings, etc in beds around the trees to give it time to dry.  Now, it was time to burn and clean up the beds.  Justin and I wanted to move our fire pit to a new location.  What a perfect opportunity to fell that tree.  With a strategically located fire, the tree was down within two days.  Justin's newly oiled and sharpened chain-saw made easy the work of breaking down the tree.

Justin tripped across three baby raccoons as he cleared out a spot near the preserve.  He called Gemma over thinking she’d be interested and she was!  She charged, they took off and she caught one.  Remember that she has no teeth.  She must have broken its neck because when I got home, both Justin and Gemma were proud to show me her trophy. The over protective parent that I am, I was quite happy when Justin wrapped up and discarded the carcass. 
Sean came over to visit. School is out and now he can celebrate too.

Jonas and Caleb visit pretty often and they usually like to play in the creek.  They build dams and then break them down.  They hunt for toads and frogs, and yes, they know the difference.  One day earlier this week Justin picked them up from school.  By the time they got here, they were out for the count.


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