Sunday, June 3, 2018

Sunday, 20 May 2018: Green Bay

We bought a tractor/mower last week.  We’ve been looking for a while.  We wanted to get one with enough steam to be able to pull a small trailer around the yard.  We ended up with the cutest little John Deere.  Wayne, the guy that sharpened scissors and chain saws had a tractor for sale in his driveway.  We stopped to look at it and then looked at the one in his garage that he was working on. The $17,000 price tag on that one put it out of our price range so we asked about the third tractor sitting to the side. Wayne said that was his wife’s and she’d just finished mowing.  Well, that’s the one we took home.

We also bought another sailboat last week.  We bought John and Laurie Miller’s 30’ Morgan, Merlin.  Yes, we already have a 30’ Morgan, Emerald.  The engine is getting worked on; we didn’t launch yet.  The price of Merlin was right and Laurie said she’d teach me to sail.  With lessons included, how can we go wrong?
We even have a built in coffee pot and microwave

Robin, Laura and their granddaughter joined us for a first visit aboard Merlin at the Windjammers Kick-off for the season

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