Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Wednesday, 28 June; Brussels

Today was our four year anniversary.  Four years ago today, Justin and I met in Chicago.  What a ride!  We are planning to go back next year -- back to the scene of the crime, so to speak.

The old range is outside and listed on
Craig's list as "free to a good home"
I got up early and taped off the countertop and started scraping up adhesive.  Yes, we are STILL working on that. It seems that where the adhesive was first poured it is stuck with the intent that it will be there forever. Most of the rest chips up with a substantial amount of elbow grease.  

After brunch at April's we scraped and we and scraped.  Sexy?  Not sexy?  This is not sexy.
For a break I wrapped up the vinyl that we'd thrown out the back door.  Sitting out there with the sink, the range, etc... we don't need to really look like trailer trash.  All bundled up it is now ready for the trash on Monday.  

Strawberry season is alive and well in Wisconsin and while we are passing on the opportunity to go and pick our own at any of the local farms, we did buy some AND we have some growing in our own yard. 
Went into town for a break and to celebrate our anniversary.  

We went to a 9:30pm showing of Wonder Woman.  Great escape for a few hours.

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