Friday, September 8, 2017

Tuesday, 15 August 2017: Brussels

Happy Birthday Paula! 
        And how old am I? 
               When did that happen?

Justin has been saying pretty often lately, " is your birthday month!"  Well, he totally surprised me today with an airplane ride over Door County.  I we went to Sturgeon Bay for breakfast at The Inn at Cedar Crossing where  I had a fabulous frittata.  Afterwards, I thought we were taking a leisurely drive along the bay when Justin turned into Cherryland Airport.  After takeoff, Buzz, our pilot, headed south so we could fly over our house before heading north toward Washington island.  The weather was great for flying -- clear and warm.  What an awesome birthday!

Eric and Holly and the kids came up to spend a few days so Jordan and his family joined us for dinner.  Tripp and burgers were a perfect birthday dinner capped off with s'mores at the bonfire after.  Maybe we can do this again next year!
Birthday celebration at Abravo's
earlier in the week

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