Friday, September 8, 2017

Wednesday, 2 August 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Gemma spent the night in the bathroom.  We couldn't stand to have her in the bedroom with us and couldn't run the risk of her funky skunk-smell on the couch, carpets, etc.  She cried all night.  

Justin and Gemma relaxing on our new
couch after a looooong grooming session
I did a bit of research and while the urban legend says to wash your dog in tomato juice after they've tangled with a skunk, the AKC website gives a few reasons not to do that.  One, your dog will smell like tomatoes; two, if your dog is light in color, they will turn pink; and three, perhaps the most compelling reason not to use tomato juice was the warning that, if Fido chose to shake during his bath, your bathroom would look like something out of a slasher horror film.  Instead, they recommended hydrogen peroxide (hurry so as not to allow time to bleach the fur), mixed with baking soda and Dawn dish washing liquid.  So, I was off to the store to get a new bottle of hydrogen peroxide. 

Meanwhile, as soon as Justin was up, out came the sheers.  Gemma' s been quite the ragamuffin lately; today was the day to get our poodle back.

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