Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, 4 August 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

We had quite the storm last night.  Wisconsin has had more rainfall this season that any on record.  The fields are lush and the crops are loving it.  Of course this means Justin has to mow our yard every week for sure.  I had imagined that we'd be fighting the zebra muscles on our little slice of beach, but instead the waves are pounding into our break wall constantly. 
Farther down, in the preserve, we've had a good bit of erosion. 

Yesterday, we collected twenty-three pieces of other people's docks.  This morning we saw that these dock pieces were wedged in-between our trees on the shoreline.  About 8:30, one of the neighbors came knocking on the door..."Say, I think you have my dock."  And then another neighbor showed up with his golf cart to haul his pieces home.  It was clear they'd been down this road before and apparently, our property is the place all good docks go. 

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