Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Friday, 30 June 2017: Brussels

One year ago today was my last day of federal service.  I just have to stop and let that soak in for a bit.  We haven't slowed down one bit.  I had a mani/pedi a few days ago.  The lady asked me if was coming from work.  I said no, actually I was retired.  Then she asked how long and I said almost a year.  Then she asked "Are you bored yet?"  I almost laughed --  Not even close!

Our house is coming along and today we had another reason to celebrate.  We finally got all the vinyl up!  We went to Chaudoir's Dock for a celebratory beverage.  We met Readd when I spilled my drink all over the table. (Is that alcohol abuse?)  He is a young kid with construction skills.  He's tending bar at Chaudoir's and has agreed to work with Justin to get more of our tasks complete.  When his shift was complete we walked back to our house together and developed a plan for the kitchen sink and the mirror in the bathroom.  More to come!

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