Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Wednesday, 26 July 2023: Montague

 We’ve been in the boat the last several days and it’s been great. We’ve had some down time, I’ve cooked a bit, we went to Shelby for breakfast, we’ve chatted with friends, Tom and Sarah had a huge party and we just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I found a used Sailrite sewing machine on marketplace and we will pick that up on the way home. 

 I’d finished covering the cockpit cushions and we were able to enjoy them a bit.  As I was getting them back together, getting the foam inside the new covers, I was reminded of trying to get into wet swimsuit or too tight jeans.  It was a beast.  

We’d heard bad weather was coming in. I’d taken a shower and planned to cook a quinoa breakfast bowl and then just hang out in the boat during the storm. However, when Justin said he’d heard there might tornadoes and “let’s get out of here “ , it took me mere seconds to grab my raincoat, Gemma and her raincoat, my coffee mug and get to the car. Justin closed all the hatches as he checked lines and we headed out to breakfast. I’d never thought about a tornado on the boat… hmmm.

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