Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Thursday, 27 July 2023: Elkhart, Indiana

When the alarm clock sounded at 7am, both Justin and I groaned as we were totally uninterested in starting the day.  Despite resetting the alarm for 8am, we were rolling by 7:40.  Pack the car, shut down the boat, a bit more caulking and we were on our way by 10:30.  First stop: the RV and MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart Indiana.  What a hoot!  I totally enjoyed this stop.  It was kismet that both Stephen Marcoe and Susan Hemmer commented that Mae Wests’ RV was their favorite.  My favorite was the fact that the museum in pet friendly and Gemma got to go too.  

Kelli Rose???

Idea for window treatment on the boat?

Next stop: the home of Lisa and Dan in Grabill, Indiana where I picked up a Sailrite sewing machine.  This means I’m committed to doing canvas work and perhaps mending sails.  Maybe I need to be committed.    These two stops added about three hours to our trip home so when we pulled in at Hartung it was close to 2am.  Justin had driven through quite a downpour and we certainly lost some time there but … we were home… safe and sound.  

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