Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Monday, 17 July 2023: Hartung

Breakfast at Julie’s with Erich, Brody, the birthday boy, and Finn along with Jordan, Jonas, Caleb and Willow.  Jonas had a meltdown.  It was not good.  

Later, Justin and I stopped by to see June at House of Gold.  We needed to get our weddings ring tuned up; Justin needs his sized and I need the prongs on my center stone reinforced.  She said it would take until Labor Day but that’s ok. 

Our wedding announcement was posted on her bulletin board.  How nice was that!  

Justin had an echocardiogram last week and tonight he was prepping for his “date with a garden hose” scheduled for noon tomorrow. 

Meanwhile, I’m trying to recover our cockpit cushions. I feel as if I haven’t been at a sewing machine in years and wrestling with these cushions is a beast. Between the closed-cell foam and the scratchy Sunbrella… I’m not sure who will win. 

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