Wednesday, November 15, 2023

August, 2023: Green Bay

We spent the month working in the yard.  Isaiah joined us some, but never enough.  

We went to Packer training camp several times.  We are ready for football season.  

Whoever "looses" the practice has to complete down and ups. 
That been lots of  extra PT for the offense.
Both Justin and I got a new shirt or two as well as a new frig magnet!  


We enjoyed a great birthday dinner at the Northland Hotel in Green Bay.  Originally opened in 1924, the newly reopened hotel retains much of its art deco charm. Our dinner celebration was perfect.  

Justin's new bike arrived and even though though the box had some damage, all the goods inside were perfect.  He does need a helmet before he can ride.  

We had a discussion with the family that went rather south. That threw a cloud on a day or two.  

We looked at RVs; that option would allow us to spend more time at the property.  I’m not convinced yet, but I’m willing to entertain the possibility.  
We took the Cruisers out a time or two.  That's always fun.  

We drove back to Montague, this time in two vehicles.  We met Stephen there.  He reclaimed his truck as he continued hunting and gathering more sail boats.  

Preseason game against Seahawks.  We won; 9-15.  As good as that win was, I don’t think this is a foretaste of the season to come.  I think it will be filled with heartache but I’m so, so ready for some football.  

We enjoyed sunsets as often as we could.  They are always spectacular and I never tire of the view.  

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