Monday, March 21, 2022

Thursday, 27 January 2022: Ria Celestun and Merida

Flamingoes!  Flamingoes!  Flamingoes!  That call greets everyone as they get to the centro in Celestun.  Even though Justin and I live here, and I keep thinking the guides will recognize us, we still get the call just like all the other tourist and passers by.   Today we all headed down to the mouth of the river to board a boat to go see the flamingoes and to go into the mangroves.  This particular guide was better than almost any other we’d ever had.  He showed us many, many migratory birds.  Although his English was nonexistent, perhaps my Spanish really is getting better ... he was great.  Cousin Mike and Michelle seemed to have enjoyed themselves.  It was a great outing.

After breakfast at Peter’s we headed to Mérida so we’d be sure to be there in time for Michelle’s class.  Cousin Mike and Justin and I strolled down toward Centro for dinner and a few beverages before we called it a day.

Somewhere during his visit Cousin Mike asked me the square footage of our home. I sure didn’t know. The next morning he got busy with a tape measure in hand. Cousin Mike's total was 6254.  We know that he didn’t calculate the bump outs for the north side and he didn’t include one other area.  Bottom line: We now know that with the new kitchen and shower we are over 6400 and with the terrace, we are right about 7,000 square feet. 

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