Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday, 23 February 2022: Merida


Breakfast with Bill at his hotel, Maison Merida.   Great location and great old building, and even great bathrooms, but not pet friendly.  


Back to the bank to try again.  This time we had success.  I’ve never had so much trouble trying to deposit money!!!  

We bought a new sink for the new kitchen on our way to the Mayan museum.  We hadn’t been here in a couple of years.  I always enjoy these visits.  

Back to Celestún in time to catch Santos and his team pouring cement for the roof.  

After a quick trip around the house, we were off for dinner at Los Pampanos.  

Abraham had had some friends over while we were gone and he was not at the gate or front door to greet us.  There were a few too many beer cans in very obvious locations.   Today of all days… grrr

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