Monday, March 21, 2022

Saturday, 5 February 2022: Celestun

Santos and his team started working at our house this week.  We are reconfiguring the bathroom in the family suite by adding a shower and we are adding a kitchen to that side of the house.  Their work will take more than a month and that should line up for when we depart to the states.  They arrive each day about 8am and work until about 5pm.  I’m providing lunch each day.  On Saturdays they work only until about 2pm so no lunch today.

Initial consultation



The stock market is all over the place.  The January 6 investigation continues. Build Back Better still struggling.  Russia poised on border of Ukraine.  Beijing is hosting the Olympics that are not.  Omicron continues to rage and to divide.  But here in our corner of Celestún all is well.  Justin and I are well, safe and happy.   Time to go for a swim. 


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