Monday, March 21, 2022

Wednesday, 16 February 2022: Merida

Justin’s phone won’t take a charge!  Yikes, he can’t be without a phone.  We were on the road for an unplanned day trip to Merida.  We left Abraham with money for Santos, money for Magui, money to pay for the circuit board for the frig in the guest kitchen and money to buy lunch.

We found our way into the bowels of the technological center of Merida. Justin got the charging port replaced in his phone (250 pesos) and while we were there, I got a new battery (500 pesos).  I need a new phone but I don’t want to buy it in Mexico and this will hold me for a while.  

We made the best of the trip and got a dozen other things marked off the list... masks for travel, rope to repair the blind in the courtyard, another dog lead.  Both Justin and I got a new pair of sandals... big deal since they cost about $5 a pair and we wear nothing else all winter.

Five more bags of cat food and four more bags of dog food.  One more giant bottle of Fabuloso.  We’d already stocked up on toilet paper and paper towels and other cleaning product so now Abraham should be set for the summer.


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