Monday, March 21, 2022

Sunday, 30 January 2023: Casa Colibri

In our house. We haven’t spent too many Sundays in our house this season...only for the Lions game and the bye.  There was an episode of Seinfeld where Newman and Kramer talked about the way each day felt.  Obviously that was pre-retirement, but Sunday’s do have a unique feel.  

I had to smile when I looked at the Google “memories” photos today.  Six years ago this week we hosted a party in our house in Kaiserslautern.  Five years ago this week we were traveling and in San Miguel with Cousin Mike.  

I’ve totally turned into my mother in that I read recipes like they are a novel.  I feel as if I’m learning about procedures and pairings even if I never make the dish.  I’m inspired almost each morning by reviewing the NYT recipe of the day.  

I love to read the comments on these recipes too.  Not too long ago there were some comments on salt:  kosher salt for cooking, sea salt for the table, and iodized Morton for the street.  Having spent last winter in Green Bay, salt on the street had a whole new meaning.  Today’s recipe was for grits and greens.  While I doubt I’ll ever make the dish as written since I don’t much care for greens, I do make shrimp and grits pretty often.  There were several comments about instant grits vs. traditional grits.  The bottom line...Instant grits only for ant poison.

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