Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday, 26 January 2022: Celestún


Cousin Mike and Michelle got up early and had already finished at least one walk on the beach before I started making breakfast.  I feel as if I’ve perfected my Hueves Montado so I was happy to serve that to our guests.   Cousin Mike was very interested in taking a “tricey” to town as he’d never ridden in the three-wheeled motorcycles.  

Justin and I were preoccupied a bit with Santos and planning to expand the bathroom in the family suite and add a kitchen there.  Ivan came to connect the new solar water heater and the new internet guy came at 1:00 to install his new tower.  Aholi came for massages at 3:00pm and by then we were all ready for her healing hands.


Santos prepped the location on the roof for the installation of the new water heater while Abraham replaced the screen in the door to the guest kitchen where the cats had made themselves welcome.  Damn cats!

Dinner of mushroôm risotto, spinach, pear,  blue cheese and walnut salad.  Cousin Mike travels with a large bag of candy that he doles out to hotel cleaners, etc.  (Yes, really candy.  He may travel with other “Candy” or at least gummies, but this is the real stuff with real sugar.). This year he also had Gihadelli Triple chocolate brownie mixes he shared with hotel staff.  He had two left over and since we are the hotel of the day and we are at the end of his trip, he left two packages on the bar.  I thought that would make the perfect accompaniment to our meal and then I saw a recipe on the back of the box for a Sangria Brownie Torte.  After adding red wine to the mix and of course I added nuts, that was in the oven.  Next step macerating strawberries,  black berries, raspberries and blue berries in red wine... great dessert...even sans whipped cream.

Abraham wrote before we headed home that the electricity was wonky.  Of course, no electricity means we can’t run the pump for water.  Is it just the way things are that that always happens when you have company?  Grrr...the electricity came back on but not on the oven.  What?  We have the refrigerators and the oven connected with fancy big-ole surge protectors.  Why isn’t my oven working?  Thankfully, I was able to use the new oven in the guest kitchen but that is not the long-term answer.  

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