Monday, February 14, 2022

Tuesday, 25 January 2022: Dzilbutun

Somewhere in the late morning,  we all piled in the car and headed to Celestún..  Our first stop was lunch at Alma Lima where I enjoyed huevos mottelenos...  Michelle had a salmon bagel.  Cousin Mike and Justin had a Spanish breakfast feast.  

Next stop...the ruins at Dzibilchaltun.  We were here a few years ago with Jordan and Erich.  They are legitimate ruins and really convenient for a quick day trip.  Dzibilchaltun was a large settlement and still occupied when the Spanish arrived during the 1500s. Archaeologists estimate there were as many as 200,000 inhabitants and 8,400 buildings during its hey day (artifacts date back to 700 – 800 A.D.)

Dzibilchaltun, a modern Mayan name meaning “writing on flat stones,” doesn’t have huge pyramids like Chichen Itza or Uxmal; it is more intimate.  Once a wealthy port and center of Mayan coastal trade the settlement was very active when the Spanish arrived.  Visitors will find Franciscan chapel in the middle of the Mayan ruins. Go figure!

After a quick stop at the grocery store, we were on our way home.  

We arrived back in Celestun in time to drop off our luggage and head to dinner at Los Pampanos to enjoy the beach and then sunset.

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