Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday, 24 January 2022: centro in Merida

Cousin Mike and his daughter Michelle landed in Merida yesterday.  Michelle started her morning in St Louis while Cousin Mike is ending his annual month-long winter trip to Mexico.  This year he spent most of the first three weeks in Oaxaca an he’ll round out his stay between Merida and Celestún.  This is Michelle’s second trip to Mexico; she met her dad in San Miguel de Allende a few years ago.  We travelled with Cousin Mike five years ago on our first trip down; we were all in Laredo, San Luis Potosi, Monterey and San Miguel together...that seems like forever ago.  

Mike wanted to watch the game so after checking, we went to La Padilla, a way too touristy, way too expensive semi-sports bar in the Centro of Merida. We were able to watch a bit of the game while we had dinner and began to get reacquainted.  The Chiefs were the only home team that won this weekend... what a show.  All four games in this divisional round were won, or last, in the last seconds.  One went into overtime. All I know is that since the Packers are out, I am too.  

Of course, now we get all the speculation about Aaron Rogers’ future... with the Packers?  With a new team?  Retirement?  And, of course, they are already talking about the draft which is more than three months away.  I think I’ll take a break.  

Today we headed first to San Benito market.  Justin and I were looking for new collars and lead clips for the dogs; Cousin Mike and Michelle just needed to look.  It is quite an experience.  I remember that last time we were here, at New Years, in was uncannily deserted.  Today it was the bustling souk that I’ve learned to expect.  We wandered down the aisles in the fish stalls reminiscing of Tskiji Market in Tokyo.  We watched a cat who should have had a hat out like a busker.  Can a cat be a busker?  She sure did capture an audience.  

Lunch at Museo de la Gastronomical Yucatan — yummy!  Traditional, delicious Yucatan food, open courtyard, attentive staff.  After a leisurely stroll through the centro on our way back to our hotel, we were all ready for a siesta.

Cousin Mike and Justin had plenty of time this evening to solve the problems of the world.  Local beer is required for this activity and our room provided the perfect balcony location.  Michelle had a Zoom meeting from 5:30-8:30 pm for the programming class she is taking.  I watched the to allow the boys their alone time. 

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