Monday, February 14, 2022

Saturday, 16 January 2022: Hotel Los Aluxes, Merida

It’s Wild Card weekend so that means football.  The Packers earned their bye but, as expected, Justin still wanted to see the other teams as they duke it out.  T

hat means Mérida for us.  First stop, Gran Mercado Hogar!  This is the mother store of all things plastic.  We’d been looking for this store as we head into Merida but couldn’t fed it.  We thought perhaps they’d closed during the pandemic.  Well, yesterday, there it was.  Perhaps the trees had matured and blocked our view...who knows, but there it was.  Kitchen stuff, garden stuff, all kinds of treasures.  We had a cart full by the time we were done and back on our way.

Then to Home Depot to try to sort out the solar hot water debacle.  Finally to our hotel for football.  Wait.  What do you mean the toilet doesn’t work?  They came up with a plunger and made some noises in the bathroom.  I think the guy used a screwdriver in place of a “snake.”  Well, now we move to a different room.  It is all good.  

In between games, we ventured out because we thought we heard a band downstairs.  Turned out, it was at a restaurant next door.  The music certainly wasn’t Jesus and Alina — “boy band” took on a whole new meaning.  An added bonus was that as I enjoyed my HUGE margarita, the music got better.  With caution to the wind we ordered a queso dip and nachos.  Justin said this dinner would have done a Wisconsin boy proud.  


In our conversations with Monica, she told us to check out Volaris airlines for domestic flights. Previously I had looked for flights to Oaxaca and found only options that had lengthy layovers in Mexico City.  Well, Volaris not only has non-stop flights but they also have a 40% sale going on right now.  So, texts are flying fast and furiously between Justin and Cousin Mike and between Justin and Bill.  We need to make decisions and we need to move out now!  Maybe we really will get back to Justin and Paula traveling.  

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