Saturday, October 30, 2021

Wednesday, 22 September 2021: Wiscasset, Maine


 Wiscasset is a cute little town.  Our bed and breakfast, Marsten House, was quite French.  That made sense because the owner,  Marie Francois, was from France.  She has two rooms above her antique and linens store.  (Gemma was quite comfortable on the bed all snuggled in those imported, incredibly high thread-count linens, BTW.)  Marie Francois' buying trips have been cut quite short since Covid but she’s happy to be keeping the doors open.  In the past she would have served breakfast at a huge farm table in her kitchen to all guest simultaneously.  But now, she delivers a basket to the door.  I had fun unpacking and setting the table in preparation for our morning repast.  

When loading the car this morning, the door handle came my hand.  This is the second time that that same door handle has broken.  And both times it was me.  What’s up with this?

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