Saturday, October 30, 2021

Saturday. 18 September 2021: Oswego, New York


We were at the dock yesterday to meet the boat as she pulled in from Canada.  We were masked and at a distance.  John and son, John, were on board.  The mast isn't up yet as there are bridges to clear through the Erie Canal.  But us, our plans had changed.  

We are just laying low today.  Trying to get used to the idea that we aren’t going to Canada, we aren’t going to the boat.

We'd spent one more night on the road in Rochester New York before we spent two nights in Oswego at the Clarion Hotel.  Our pet-friendly hotel was right on the river and our room had a great view.  It was a good thing that part of the trip was ok because Justin and I had another “vacation lost / vacation found” experience.  In order to get into Canada we needed Covid tests.  Justin’s came back positive!  He’s had no symptoms except a bit of a dry cough.  As former teachers, we both use the “would I have called in sick?” measure to assess maladies.  No, he wouldn’t even have thought about preparing sub-plans.  So, even with two vaccines, he still got it.  He’s convinced that he got it in Jacksonville at the game where hardly anyone was masked and he, like so many others were yelling and cheering.  My test was negative, but we knew that our plans had just dramatically changed.  Like Steven says, “the plans are written in the stars and clouds.”

We called Lorayne yesterday to tell her our news.  We’d stopped in Cleveland on our way through and had lunch together.  We also called Robin since we’d spent the day with her when she drove us to the airport.  We called Kim and Brian even though Justin is convinced he contracted the virus at the game.  These were difficult calls thinking you might be hurting those you love.  

The CDC says you need to isolate for ten days but when does that start?

Justin says that it would be horrible to be married to me and to lose your sense of taste.  What a nice thing to say.

So we heard they were working on a virus that was specific to the Emerald Ash Borer.  What could go wrong?

Gotta love the way they misspelled "postive"

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