Saturday, October 30, 2021

Friday, 10 September 2021: Jacksonville

Today is go!  To Jacksonville!  A couple of days ago, Justin asked me if I wanted to go to Jacksonville to see the Packers play the Saints.  Well, Oh Yeah, Hell yeah!  The game can't be played in New Orleans so the new venue was Jacksonville.  There was a lot of hoopla about the decision to have Jacksonville host.  The Saints had been practicing in Dallas but that venue could not host.  Story on the street was that the Saints looked at the least attractive place so that Packer fans would not want to travel (Tampa or Miami) and looked at the most expensive place for airfare...hence, Jacksonville.  Well he asked and I jumped.  He found a charter flight, I found tickets and a hotel room right on the river walk and boom...we were set.  It was probably two days later when I remembered that I wasn't supposed to fly yet because of the pesky threat of blood clots from surgery.  Woops!  Well, I dug out my ever-so-attractive compression socks and got a new Packer shirt and I was ready to go.  

Ric drove us to Appleton for our flight.  After a quick Uber to our hotel, we met Kim and Brian by the pool to continue our daytime drinking. Yes, we started on the plane. Kim and Brian live about two hours away and they drove in to see us!  How fun was that!!!

We saw dolphins swimming in the river while we were catching up and enjoying refreshing adult beverages. Kim, Brian and Justin all knew the words to the Flipper theme song… I was odd man out. I always knew I’d be a great tambourine girl. 

We dined at the Bearded Pig.  Jacksonville’s take on BBQ.  OMG... it kind of eats at my soul when BBQ is that good and it is not from Texas.  But, I'll give credit where it is due.  Not nearly as good as Luling or even the place in New Orleans, but yummy!!!   

Our room at the DoubleTree was fantastic.  Yes, I had upgraded to ensure we had a river view.  We looked out onto the city with a particularly good view of the Main Street Bridge.  Two rivers carve through Jacksonville and the crossing bridges are quite the thing.  This bridge is a lift bridge; we even saw it go up at one point.  (No, Brian, that wasn't a euphemism.)

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