Saturday, October 30, 2021

Monday, 20 September 2021: Ongunquit, Maine

Lazy morning...Justin is healing from Covid.  We went exploring, in the car, not breathing on anyone.

Lobster bisque and lobster roll for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Reminded of of when Dellene and I went to Charleston and we had shrimp and grits at every opportunity.  As a girl who grew up on the Gulf coast, I’ve always preferred shrimp or crab over lobster.  Now I know that when lobster is done well, it is fabulous.  But when it is not, I’ll stick with my shrimp and crab.  Like shrimp, lobster can go either way.

We took a nice long walk along the beach.  As we approached, Justin warned me... “it’s not like Galveston.”  And that was exactly why going to the beach was the first thing I wanted to do this morning...go to the beach because it is not like Galveston.  

Packers vs Lions tonight.  Jordan and his friend Andy are at the game.  We were watching on ESPN on the tv in our hotel room, not breathing on anyone.  I cleaned off the bottle of white I bought on a girl’s day trip with Anne Marie earlier this fall.  Yummy.  I took a picture so I’d know what to buy again.  Nice and crisp and light.  Yummy!  

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