Saturday, October 30, 2021

Saturday, 11 September 2021: Jacksonville

We started our morning with Breakfast at The Southern Grill. Yummy!  Last night I swore I’d never eat again, but sure ‘nuff, this morning, I’m ready for more.  Ok, I confess,  the Bloody Mary’s were calling my name.  

We found out about an arts and craft farmers market so we enjoyed a bit more roaming around before we bid farewell to Kim and Brian.

Robin met us for dinner.  She is in Jacksonville helping a friend whose husband is in the hospital with complications from Covid; Evan is still in Wisconsin.   We went to Basil Thai.  Unfortunately, this restaurant won’t get five stars from me, but the company was great.  At some point in the evening Robin was telling a story of cutting down azaleas.  My reply was “ you are not a child of the south!”  Later, I asked Justin where that came from.  He said he it was a very dark place and he did not want to know more.  To Robin's credit, she did quickly add that she replaced the old azaleas with more, pretty, healthy azaleas.

Without the responsibilities of driving, we were able to enjoy music on the street and a night cap before we called it a day.  

There were numerous specials on tv about 9-11.  Twenty years ago, when our world changed,  I was in Okinawa.  I’d just moved into my house and had no tv.  We had no school for three days as a typhoon circled above our island in addition to the base being in ThreatCon Delta.  Yes, our world changed irrevocably.  

I miss my Gemma.  She is at Jordan’s cottage where she is with four other dogs, seven kids and three adults.  She’s one of the pack. 

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