Saturday, October 30, 2021

Monday, 13 September 2021: Green Bay

Robin served as our Uber driver to get us to the airport 

Lunch at a a cute place on the beach, Beach Diner.  It was so cute in fact that I had to buy a t-shirt.

Unfortunately we were late getting to the airport because we took too much time at the beach.  But, it was the beach!  We had to dip our toes!   The man at the check-in counter said we were too late to check in.  Since it was a charter flight, they couldn’t just book us on a later flight.  He was pretty emphatic that we were SOL.  However, when I asked him if we could try at the gate, he shrugged his shoulders in a resigned manner.  We bolted through security and down the concourse to the gate where they were very accommodating.  Thankfully our luggage was carry-on sized.  All was well... whew... breathe... and order a drink just to be sure.  What a cluster.

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