Saturday, October 30, 2021

Tuesday, 21 September 2021: Wiscasset, Maine

Proud to claim they are the “prettiest town in Maine”, Wiscasset was our stop for today.  these little old towns are so quaint.  Cute and very appealing.  Yes, I could spend time in the north east.

After a quick stop in Old Orchard Beach where Justin had another Covid test (positive) we did the touristy thing -- we went to the Portland Head Lighthouse -- Maine's oldest lighthouse -- late 1770's.  And, because you were asking, we were outside, wearing masks.



Next stop -- Greene Marine so we could visit Wings.  This is the boat that Justin first started to Steven about four or so years ago.  Since that time, Steven sold the boat, but the guy ran out of money and it is for sale again.  Justin and I climbed all over that trimaran and we talked to Esther at the boat yard to get her side of the scoop.  Do we want it?  Justin would say "oh, yeah, hell yeah".  I’m still on the fence.  


Next stop, Portland and a stop at the LLBean factory outlet.  Justin found some shoes and I found a swimsuit.  We both looked at winter attire but I am so ready for Mexico I can’t even think about jackets, etc.

Dinner at Water Street Kitchen and Bar in Wiscasset. We didn’t have reservations for dining but, thankfully, Sydney and Eric Fisher invited us to join them.  Perhaps they were really inviting Gemma to join their Havanese Hayden.  The Fishers were from Cambridge, retired and on their way farther up the coast.  They were delightful dinner companions for our unfortunately only so, so dinner.  Maybe I’m back to preferring shrimp over lobster, at least in pasta.  I want to give the famous lobster roll another try. 


Today was the autumnal equinox. The moon has been spectacular the last few days but especially so today. That means we are officially in New England during the fall. While we certainly aren’t in the height of color , the leaves are definitely changing and the vistas are spectacular. 

Today was Mary’s birthday.  I called but we didn’t get to connect...perhaps tomorrow. 

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