Monday, April 20, 2020

Thursday, 2 April 2020: Brussels

Day six of self-quarantine.  Actually, the day looked a lot like Day five and Day four.  
We got a new router delivered from Century Link.  And, here was another first for me today ... I ordered groceries and picked them up from Marchant's.  The fire department would have delivered but I said I'd pick them up.  I don't think I like this.  Sure, it was convenient, but ...substitutions and all ... To quote the line from The Military Child Coalition , this is "living in the new normal."  

Justin had the first fire of the season

Yesterday I started cleaning up around the boat house.  We have a huge barn door on the water ide of the boat house.  When we leave, we close the door and then Justin screws 5-6" wood screws through the frame for security.  Well, Mother nature decided those screws were just fluff.  The continual wind and pounding waves stripped the screws out so that the entire door was tilted back, rocks were washed inside and then the entire mess froze.  There was still a good bit of ice in the floor of the boathouse so I started moving the stones on the outside.  And then I moved some more and then some more.  I figure this task will take at least four days... once the ice had all melted.
I didn't take any pictures before I started.  This photo was at the beginning of the second day.  And, once I get all the stones out of the way so that the door can fall back into place, I still have that many stones that were washed inside.  
All these stones were washed up beside the boathouse and deposited in front of the passage door on the side.  This too needs to be cleared so the grass can grow.  

 Looking up and down the bay from our shoreline there is still lots and lots of ice.  

Bulbs we planted last fall are trying to emerge.

 Today, I switched locations and worked on raking near the driveway. 
Justin says "scratching the grass"  is good.  Hmmm?  We left early last year and all the leaves hadn't fallen so there were plenty of clean-up.  That along with all the debris in the yard from the bay... we will be cleaning up for a long long time. 

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