Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday, 22 March 2020: Casa Colibri

Aholi asked me to make the cake for Bethania’s first birthday.  One day when she was here for massages so ate lunch with us.  I served a banana-chocolate bread as a dessert.  She really liked that and said it would be great for the birthday cake.  I made Bethania's with bananas and blueberries so as to keep the sugar content minimal.  I also tried a frosting made of dates.  It was a bit different in color and texture but it tasted great.  I tried my hand a piping the frosting but that was pretty much a bust.  Cream cheese frosting doesn’t really hold into shape very well and the date frosting had too much texture to pipe.  I had fun trying though; I hadn’t working with a piping bag and tips in at least a hundred years.   I made the banana bread into a two layer cake for adults and then I made a small, three layer cake that Bethania can have for her “smash” cake. Justin and I delivered the cakes but we didn’t visit.  We observed the two meters recommended distances with Aholi and the baby.  Aholi has cancelled the birthday celebration.  She was planning for about 20 people but it will only be Aholi, Tony and the birthday girl.
Aholi sent the pictures after they celebrated.

Today we finished doing what we need to do to get ready to depart.  I shut down the grande cocina; Justin and Jonathan tarped the boat.  Or at least half of it...we needed one more tarp so Jonathan will go to Coolsa and buy another one and then finish the task for us.   The car was pretty much loaded before we fell into bed.  Sure do hope we are doing the right thing.  

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