Sunday, April 19, 2020

Thursday, 19 March 2020: Casa Colibri

I checked the Weather Channel about 7pm.  37’ and rainy in Brussels (feels like 31’),  78’ and fair in Austin (feels like 82’) and here in Celestun? 87’ and clear (feels like 91’)
If you are a farmer like Dellene’s new friend, the weather is always on your mind.  For me, not so much.  Justin thinks I have an extremely narrow comfort window.  I think I am really good at putting on a sweat shirt or taking off a layer.  

Justin and I thought we were pretty well insulated here at Casa Colibri.  We even entertained the idea of sheltering in place here.  Yes, we’d get air conditioning installed in a red hot second before we thought about staying here for the entire summer but we really don’t want to be here all summer.  Plus, even though Justin is a permanent resident and can stay indefinitely, I am a tourist and my 180 days are almost up.  

The Japan Olympic committee decided to suspend Olympics. The world wide committee didn’t make the decision, but the good folks in Japan did. Kudos to them.  The Olympic flame will keep burning in wait.

The news headlines are that borders will be closed tomorrow at midnight. I was on the phone this morning with the consulate here in Merida and with Border and Customs Protection in DC and in Laredo.  These good folks tell me that there had been no executive order...that they have no directive and no information.  They also tell me that citizens will not be denied access to their home.  

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