Monday, April 20, 2020

Thursday, 26 March and Friday, 27 March 2020: Austin to Brussels

We made the quick hour drive from New Braunfels to Austin to Dellene's house.  We needed to pick up mail and our rings.  I still think that it is wise not to wear good jewelry when travelling so we leave our rings at Dellene's house.  If I am gone half the year, I want my bling when I can.  

We stood outside in her front yard and visited for about an hour.  Justin was there for a bit and then took Gemma for a walk so we could have some much needed girl time...such as it was.  She brought out chairs but I stood since I felt like there were roots sprouting out of my butt for sitting in the car seat so long.  

We left Dellene's house about 10:00  morning and we drove... and we drove... and we drove.  I had the first shift so I drove all the way through Texas and well into Oklahoma.. I relished in every single bluebonnet I saw.  I am sure Justin got tired of me exclaiming "Look!  Look!"  

And, boy oh boy, the roads sure are good in Texas...especially compared to Mexico!
What's this with the price of gasoline?  We saw gas as low as $1.44!  Last year in Wisconsin we were paying over $2.60.  Even though I am pumping our our gasoline (gone are the days of full service like in Mexico), but the low price is nice.  

We don't flush TP in Mexico and we don't flush it in Brussels either since we have a holding tank there.  I am totally out of the habit of flushing it even when I can.  
We stopped somewhere in Oklahoma for BBQ.  It wasnt Texas BBQ but it was still 1000 times better than anything we will get in Wisconsin.  And, even though it was take-out, we totally enjoyed our dinner... as we kept driving.  

Justin talked to Erich and Jordan almost every day we were on the road.  Erich is in the middle of his divorce so that pretty much monopolizes the conversation unfortunately.  Equally unfortunate is Jordan's take on the Corona virus.  He says it is not "if" but "when" we will get it.  Most disconcerting.  

My first grocery list for the season
 We got into Green Bay about 10:30 am.  After very quick stops at Costco and Pick n Save we rolled into our driveway in Brussels to begin our 14 day self quarantine.

Getting the house up and going is always a challenge.  I’d made the phone call from the road to get our phone and internet connected.  Thankfully we arrived in the daylight and, thankfully, I could access my keys easily and quickly.  Justin got the water and gas going... or so we thought.  The water works enough to flush but it isn’t quite right in the kitchen.  Jordan turned on our heaters and plugged in the frig a couple of days ago thankfully.  

We’d been in the car for three weeks it seemed but we were and sound.  3,124 miles door to door.

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