Monday, April 20, 2020

Tuesday, 31 March 2020: Brussels

Day four of self-quarantine.
Justin took the shutters off the front windows a couple of days ago so now we can see the the bay.  Ok, we can see the ice in the bay.  We've been going for a walk each day.  I've been cooking and enjoying it.  I am trying to make sure i use the fresh produce first.  Shrimp can stay frozen and grits can stay in the pantry so that dinner will wait.  Instead, we are enjoying pasta with fresh zucchini, an eggplant dish and one of our favorites, berries and yogurt for breakfast.  We've aso got delicious eggs from Tony and Mo.  

I found out that Marchants will deliver or, if you'd prefer, they will pull your order and you can pick it up curb-side.  I'll place my order on Thursday since that is the day they get their delivery.  Last week, they didn't get any toilet paper so we will hope some comes in this go-round. 

Jordan, Kris and the kids stopped by yesterday.  They didn't even get out of their truck but is was a nice visit.  It was a special day since it was Willow's third birthday.   

When we went through the mail, we found Justin's driver's license along with this note.  What a great guy to have taken the time to mail this back to us.  Faith in mankind?  Restored!

Like so many others, Justin and I are watching all sorts of things on Netflix.  We' saved the final season of West Wing; Ozark has a new season out; we are continuing with Vikings and we are about to give up on Blacklist.  Schitt's Creek is an easy "go to" when I want mindless diversion. 

 We've found a few cooking shows that serve to break things up and I am still looking for something light, cheerful and not bloody.  

Oh how I long for the days when I was worried about impeachment and jury duty.  Sure I could clean the house from top to bottom, but that will come in time, right?  For now, I'll enjoy the sunset from inside.  

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