Sunday, April 19, 2020

Saturday, 21 March 2020: Celestun

Nancy wasn’t able to come to work this week.  She lives in Kinchil and she would not be able to get into Celestun.  I’d had to cancel my mani/pedi and my massage and now our housekeeper.  All the restaurants and hotels in town are closed. Except for going to the beach each day, Justin and I hadn’t left the house in three days but today I needed to buy lunch for our workers so we drove into town.  I typically like a deserted beach and I get that out on my end of the beach almost any time.  But at noon, on a Saturday in March, in the center of town in Celestun, the beach was uncannily empty.  It was kinda                                                                                                              spooky and disconcerting.  

Also disconcerting is the fact that Max’s scrotum is swollen.  I contacted our vet who said it might be a reaction to the sutures.  He’s not been licking or worried about the area.  We’ve been very good about giving him his antibiotics and cleaning the area with antiseptic spray.  Thankfully we were able to get the meds she prescribed at the farmacia in town — prednisone for 5 days and then Meloxicam for 10 days.  Abraham will tend to Max when we are gone. I sure would have preferred that there not be any hiccups.  

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