Friday, May 1, 2020

Saturday, 4 April 2020: Brussels

We talked to Ken and Eileen a couple of days ago.  That was a pleasant walk down memory lane.  They are in Washington state and seem to be doing quite well.  

Justin continues to work in the yard.  It is still a bit too cold for me so I only get out there in small spurts.  

Quote of the week.  Ruth says to Marty in the most recent season of Ozark, “I don’t know shit about fuck.”   It is so succinct and has oh so many applications.  
But the saying does not apply to Plumber Justin.  We got our new kitchen faucet connected.  It wasn't quite right from last year so we just ordered a new one.  Justin got it connected with apparent ease.
And, it doesn't apply to Paula in the kitchen.  

We watch TV, read, catch up on the news, work on jigsaw puzzles.  We try to go for a walk each day -- weather permitting.

In Celestun:
 Attention port of Celestun.
The H. City Council in coordination with the government of the state gives you a careful notice and informs them that from today Thursday April 2th from 9:00 p.m. you must remain at your home,
We will have the surveillance of the National Guard in coordination with police of the state, person who is wandering the streets for no reason will be invited to pass to your home, avoid the penalty of drawing attention, all this is to prevent them before the contingency being lived, we hope to have your support.

The people still can't buy any alcohol Celestun and there is a 9pm curfew.    We wonder if we will be able to get back to Celestun for the winter ?????

But, Katherine found the motherload of TP at Costco in Merida.  No shortage there!  

Here at home, when days at a time can go by when we don't even leave the house, gas prices are so, so low.  We haven't seen these prices since high school.  Wow!!!

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