Friday, May 1, 2020

Wednesday, 22 April 2020: Front yard

There was snow this morning when we woke up.  SNOW!!!

Today is the 50th Earth Day.  They say that with so many things shut down and with people driving so much less that it has had positive effect on the atmosphere.  At least one good thing is coming out of this.  

Thankfully it warmed up in the afternoon.  We worked outside a bit and had a fire after we had an asparagus quiche.  

We should be getting a new pump at Casa Colibri today.  Abraham had been without water from the main pump for about a week.  He still had access to running water from the secondary pump but it isn't as convenient for him.  It took Ivan a bit longer to get the replacement pump given that Celestun is "shut down", but it should all come through today.  

There have been protests lately against the shut-down.  The economy is in dire shape, yes.  But folks are worried about getting their hair done!!!  Georgia will begin to re-open.  We talked to Mimi today; I do worry about her.  

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