Friday, May 1, 2020

Wednesday, 8 April 2020: Brussels

Day ten of quarantine.  
Date-nut muffins with streusel topping were a great way to start the day.  

Yesterday Wisconsin held their primary.  My summation of it all -- Major SNAFU!   Voting was scheduled for months.  The reports indicated that only five out of 180 polling places in Milwaukee would be open.  There were two in Green Bay!  With more than 100,000 people -- two places to vote!!!  Most of the shut down was because polling workers weren’t going to show up.  Five!?!?  Two!!!  At the eleventh hour, the governor said voting would be postponed.  The federal Supreme Court said yes they would.  Was that a political decision?  

Like too many others, Jordan had to wait in line for several hours to vote.  He didn't apply for mail in since no one knew... he thought he'd be off work and all would be familiar.  Instead...  we saw a "cartoon" with a tombstone that read "I voted."  Dark humor and too real.  

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