Friday, May 1, 2020

Tuesday, 15 April 2020: Brussels

The waves are relentless.  It has been just blustery outside.  And cold!  The ice that formed last night was really spectacular.   

Justin and I had a big outing today when we went to Tony and Mo’s to pick up eggs.  First time we’d been in the car in almost a week.

We worked in the yard.  I got the rest of the rocks out of the boathouse.  The door is jammed but at least the rocks are out.

Justin’s working on projects inside when it is so bitter outside.  He completed the Kotetsu table project (turning it into a lamp), he rehung pictures and he polished shoes.  

Me?  I've been working on papers.  We finished our taxes -- that was huge!  Even though there is an extension this year, we got them finished on time.  

I found out that OPM never notified my health insurance that I had retired.  Hmmm.  I tink I got that sorted out so then I began chasing the fact that I still have leave on the books.  We will see where this rabbit hole leads us.

Justin took his turn in the kitchen and made some fabulous pork chops  with plum sauce for Easter dinner.  I made a Moroccan chicken and eggplant Tagine and I tried a new recipe for zucchini oat bread that was a keeper.

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