Monday, May 14, 2018

Sunday, 13 May 2018: Brussels

Today was Mother’s Day.  I’ve never felt the need to play the Mother’s Day card, but Justin seems to encourage me ... I am a grandmother after all, he reminds me from time to time.  We started the day by meeting Jordan, Kris and the kids at April’s for breakfast.  I celebrated with a Belgian waffle and bacon.  We all headed back to our house afterwards.  

Jordan said he had “stuff”for us.  He said it was “old, new, borrowed and blue.”  We all knew that saying wasn’t for Mother’s Day but we went along with him.  The “old” was paint we had given to them last year when we headed to Mexico.  Knowing it would not keep here since it would freeze, they stored it in their garage and I needed it back to finish the kitchen cabinets, ceiling and do some touch up around the house.  The “new”was a great flowering basket for me for Mother’s Day.  What a nice surprise.  Justin hung it in the gazebo where we can easily see it from several different angles.  The “borrowed” was Justin’s Native American dancing horse stick and the “blue” was a Krueger pot Jordan found for his dad.  Justin had had a red Krueger pot and it got lost somewhere in the shuffle of moving half way around the world.  Justin knows Tom Krueger, the artist, and we have a couple of his paintings displayed throughout our home.  This ceramic pot is a great addition.

Jonas and Caleb decided to stay at our house while Jordan, Kris and Willow headed to their cottage to put down a new floor.  The boys worked hard at building dams in the creek and climbing up on the mountain of dirt near our driveway.  Justin took a break from building our bed frame to make us all pb&j sandwiches for lunch.  I was pleasantly surprised that the boys wanted to stay as long as they did.  They were quite happy playing out side.  They asked for Netflix once; I told them they needed to be outside since it was so warm and pretty. 

 At about 6pm we all went to Jordan and Kris’ cottage for dinner off pizza.  Justin and I made it home in time to enjoy a beverage and watch the sunset.  All in all, it was a great day!

[I am actually caught up on our blog.  Lindi and Mary will never believe it!  This has happened only one other time I think.  Thanks for your support.]

Saturday, 12 May 2018: Brussels

I finally resolved the mail mystery.  I had forwarded our mail from Brussels to Austin for the winter and then I put in a temporary change of address to have everything delivered here while we are in Brussels for the summer.  Nothing came and nothing came ... not even junk mail.  When I stopped by the post office to check to see if I'd filled out the form correctly, she asked me if my last name was Miller?  Yes.  Well, it seems that while I'd turned off the mail going to Austin, I didn't really turn on the mail to be delivered here.  Angela, our delivery lady knew we were back, but I needed to tell them at the post office.  She brought out a large plastic box with everything they's been holding.  Thankfully there were not too many bills!

Jason, the cabinet guy, and all three of his kids have birthdays very close together.  Their family tradition is for one giant party.  Makala turned nine, Ashton turned 7, Parker, 9 and Jason, 36 maybe.  All the kids had their own cake and it was quite the event.  Justin and I went over about 10 in the morning to help chop vegetables for the booyah.  Jason and Amy said they were expecting about 25 adults and about 20  kids for the event later in the afternoon.  

Booyah, very common in northeast Wisconsin, is really a delicious chicken stew.  You can often find it at church picnics, county fairs, and various gatherings, but today, that was the menu for this private party.  Jason had a twenty gallon pot in which he boiled chicken, with just a touch of beef and oxtail.  We added onions, celery, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, peas and all sorts of deliciousness.  Amy's parents were there early to help too.  All three kids were eager to help particularly with the carrots.  We left for a couple of hours in the early afternoon but returned in time for dinner and cake.  We even came home with some booyah for the freezer!

Friday, 11 May 2018: Bayshore

When I woke up, I had a plan for the day.  Justin and I were planning to go into Green Bay for the day.  Justin was going to work in the yard at Hartung while I did laundry.  After, we were going to go to have fish fry for dinner or a movie or both.  Despite our plans, our day took a different direction.  

Jordan was meeting the plumber at his cottage since they were having a new toilet installed.  Even knowing he was pretty booked, Justin went to meet with the plumber to introduce himself.  He came back to our house.  Justin talked to him about our interest in a new potty and an outside solar shower.  When they talked about installing our bathroom sink, the guy said sure, I can do it now.  What... really?  Justin and I scrambled to get the new sink from the garage.  Where was the new faucet?  We looked high and low.  We looked everywhere.  Finally, I jumped in the car to go to Menards to buy a new one.  I was home within two hours and the plumber came back.  And just like that, we had a new bathroom sink!!!

Justin hung a new fixture above our kitchen sink this week.  Oh so much better than before.

 Meanwhile, Jason came over to install the hardware on our cabinets.  Justin had finished varnishing the new spice cabinets and painting the insides and outsides of everything so now Jason was doing the final touches of installing the hardware and rehanging the doors.  And just like that, we had fully functioning kitchen cabinets with microwave included!!!

Then, (yes there is more), Jordan called to say he was pulling in the driveway with our new boat!  The engine had been readied for summer and he picked up the boat up to deliver it here.  Maybe this weekend we will get it in the water.  And just like that, we have a boat in the driveway!!!

Justin and I worked on the breakwall.  We did another round of 360 pounds of concrete.  Aargh...

Saturday, 5 May 2018: Bayshore

Empty slips at Chaudoir's Dock.
 It will look quite different in a week or so.  

While many chose to celebrate Cinco de Mayo today,  most in Wisconsin choose to celebrate the first day of fishing season.  So, in the local spirit, we went to get a slip for our new boat at Chaudoir’s Dock. The cost for the season is only $700; my plan is to be out on the water at least two days each week and hopefully more.  When we got there and learned that there were only two slips left, I felt almost sick to my stomach.  How angry, disappointed, upset... I would have felt.  Anyway, all that was avoided.  

We decided to keep the oak buffet in the house rather than move it back to the gazebo (dining room) so we bought a pie safe for outside.  This new piece provides some much needed storage space.  I planned to go through all sorts of things to get organized and maybe even get most of the kitchen stuff out of the garage.

We also bought a new mattress!  We planned to buy a king mattress next year and put a Murphy bed in the small bedroom so we didn’t buy a new box springs or a new frame.  We went to Menards to get the wood for slats for the interim.  We spent a few days with our mattress on the floor in the living room, but I was oh so much closer to the coffee in the morning!

Our house sure does look different than it did
this time last year.  No orange shag carpeting!

Monday, 30 April 2018: Bayshore

Steve and Lindi (Justin's niece) drove in from Minocqua for a day trip.  They hadn’t been here before so it was important to Justin and I to get the house ready.  We’d been so focused on the break wall we hadn’t done much inside.  Plus, I’d ordered a steam mop and a dust buster that were to be delivered on Tuesday.  However, since Steve and Lindi were coming and Erich was coming in from Milwaukee following the surf, Justin and I did an all out press to get the house ready.  

Lindi and Mary Leinard are probably the only two people on the planet who read this blog; they both “remind” me from time to time that I am behind in my posting.  I do not mind at all since it keeps me honest.  

Steve and Lindi plan to spend much of next winter on their property in New Mexico.  Lindy and I talked a bit about “getting out the door” — a term I picked up from Stephen Marcoe.  Getting set up to pay bills on line, getting connected with phone and internet, being able to lock and leave your home, getting in the car and driving away are all hurdles.  Dellene serving as our postmaster was a huge step in us being able to get out the door.  

Steve has found success with WeConnect as a booster to his cell phone for his RV and for in his vehicle.  Justin wanted to pick his brain about this possibility for both in Brussels and if it works here, maybe in Mexico too. 

Sunday, 29 April 2018: Green Bay

A unified Korea?
A guilty Bill Cosby?
Justin read a bit of the news this morning and of course we had to read of the recap of the NFL draft that was completed last week.  Lots has been happening during the last week since we we returned to Brussels both in our home and around the globe.
Working on the break wall was at the top of Justin’s list of chores for the summer.  The window of opportunity was quite small — enough of the ice had to be melted to be able to work yet it still had to be cold enough that the water had not yet expanded.  This called for my first trip to Menard’s to get 60 pound bags of cement, rebar and necessary supplies.  

We also fit in our first trip to April’s.  I had a mini hash browned sandwich and Justin had a chili skillet.  Our visit with April was great, she was excited to see us and exclaimed that our return meant spring was on the way.  Her eldest son, Justin, is expecting twins early in the summer.  It will be fun to watch this roll out.

And of course, I had my first trip to Marchants to get a few basics.  I waited for a better selection of goods and to go into Green Bay to really stock up the frig and pantry.

Got the phone and internet set up with Century Link. We liked this phone number — 920-825-1202. Justin hoped he could keep it as his cell number.  We will see.  We also want to investigate a mini cell apparatus.  It is an extender with an antenna that would boost our cell signals.  Steve and Lindi know all about it and we want to see if it is something we can use here and in Mexico.  For now, we went old school with a land line.

On Tuesday we went to Chefusion for Small Plates.  I’d wanted to go all last summer but since Tuesday night is race night at Windjammers, we were never able to make it.  We went this week and it was great.  A cross between appetizers and tapas, these small plates are a great way to try several things from the menu.  We returned to Chefusion on Saturday night with Rich for music and wine.  That was a treat.  

We talked to Carl, the handyman from Chaudoir's Dock,  who agreed to take on the job of building our shutters.  He came over on Saturday morning to help Justin get down the huge temporary shutter that covered the large window in front.  It was nice to have sunshine streaming into our home.  I had forgotten just how much I miss that view. 

Jason also came over on Saturday to hang our newly built cabinet over the stove (all tricked out with fancy spice racks) and install the microwave.  Now I needed to varnish and paint ... guess it was time to get back into my DIY mode.   First, however, I needed to get into cleaning mode.  There were a few signs that there might have been some critters in our house and just general dusting and cleaning was called for.    I had some serious cleaning to do.  I ordered a steam mop since I haven’t found the right combination of mop and product to clean our floors and I also ordered a dust buster.  These were to be delivered within a few days.  Meanwhile, I tried to help Justin on his break wall project.  

 Oh my goodness.  

Sunday breakfast with Jordan, Kris and the kids.  Caleb wanted to go to the place with the colored.  That meant a trip to Mackinaw's.  

We thought about a new name for Casa Maria... what about The Courtyard?  We’ve been thinking Villa Colibri for quite a while.  Honoring the 50 different species of hummingbirds in Mexico, we thought the name was fitting.  But we were still entertaining other options.  When Justin suggested “courtyard” I Googled the translation and found “patio”. We didn’t really like that so then we considered The Courtyard” in English — maybe.  We aren’t going to say anything for sure until we close.

We drove out to Corchoran’s boatyard to look at the new boat.  It is a 21’Bayliner Trophy.  We next needed to go to Chaudoir’s Dock to rent a slip for the season.  I wanted to be able to go out on that boat almost anytime we can.  We had spent way too much time talking about boats and not enough boating.  

Monday, 23 April 2018: Brussels, Wisconsin

With our odometer reading 11582 miles, we pulled into our driveway on North Bayshore Road.  Well, almost pulled into the driveway. 

We’d contacted Don Hurckley next door to coordinate turning on the water.  He told us of the limb down in our driveway as well as all the snow.  He said we might not even have had access to our property.  As it turned out, enough snow had melted.  Justin still had to shovel, his favorite chore.  Don came over with his snow blower to help thankfully.  He wasn’t too effective since the snow was just like wet cement but it was nice of him to offer.  

The electricity stayed on all winter so we started first with turning on the water, then came hot water once the gas turned on.  Man, my shower was nice.  We were home!

Saturday, 21 April 2018: Milwaukee

We spent a few days with Mic and Georgeanne returning to the poodle show each day and then catching up with Justin's family in the evenings.  

I cooked dinner one night when Erica joined
 us for dinner.  Erica is a third cousin
 who lives in Alabama.

Mic and Georgeanne are such gracious hosts; it is so pleasant in their home.  And, the view out over the Mississippi isn't
 bad either.

  One evening cousin Jim hosted the entire family for dinner!  I think there were at least twenty people there.  It was great for Justin to see everyone especially his cousin Thelma who is in her late 80's.  

But, by now we were in Milwaukee with Erich, Holly and their kids.  Yes, we are getting farther and farther north.  

Justin just about melted with Lilly, Brody and Finn all crawling into our bed in the morning. Yes, this is why we come back to Wisconsin. 

We took Brody and Finn to the zoo.  And a fun time was had by all.