Thursday, October 22, 2020

Sunday, 11 October 2020: Hartung

We went for a convertible ride one afternoon last week.  We were a bit late for vibrant colors but it sure was nice to get out for a bit.  After a drive by an Llama Farm and a stop for cheese curds, we made it to Brussels in time for another magnificane sunset.  


We’d been busting it at Hartung getting it ready to put on the market.  Jim has been here each day working on the basement and the deck leaving Justin and me to do all sorts of other projects.  A colorful assortment of  chrysanthemums added pops of color throughout the yard before Cindy and Dawn came on Sunday for photos.  I was touching up with red paint at the bar when they arrived.  The house will go on the market late on Monday...we wait.

So when I was in Japan, maybe a year or so before Justin arrived, I bought a mattress and box springs.  I got a small flat screen tv as a purchase gift.  I had it set up in the monster room when I lived in Hamura.  The entire time we lived in Germany, the tv never came out of the keller.  I was going to set it up downstairs where i had the ironing board but I never could find both the tv and the base.   Fast forward to retirement and to Brussels, the tv has been reunited with its base and I hooked it up here at Hartung.  The remote still works too.  We got a little rabbit ear antenna and we can watch local TV!  We haven’t done that in years!  One of the first things we watched this weekend was the Texas/ OU football game.  It was a heartbreaker.    After four periods of overtime Texas went home defeated.  No state fair this year for folks to drown their sorrows.  So sad!  The Packers had a bye this week so they’ll be rested and ready to go against the Buccaneers next Sunday.  Will we have an offer on the house by then?

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