Thursday, October 22, 2020

Monday, 5 October 2020: Hartung


We worked like Trojans on the yard at Hartung.  Justin says he thinks the yard looks even better now that it did for our reception in July of 2014.  I told him I didn’t agree but I know that I was looking at everything through rose colored glasses then.  Dawn came over to take the outside photos for the listing with Caldwell Banker.  It was too windy for her to use her drone so she will take those shots later.  Now, we will turn our attention back to the inside.  I keep thinking that this part will come together quickly... we will see.  I seem to get distracted by “other” things along the way.  I need to keep a laser-like focus.  

I got the internet connected at Hartung last week and I got the tv connected too.  
Packers defeated the Atlanta Falcons last night.  At week four with four wins and zero losses things are looking great!  We have a bye next week. I think it is way too early in the season to have a bye but it looks like the Packers need it right now since they are riddled with injuries.  

Trump has coronavirus!  OMG!  I wouldn’t wish this off on anyone but OMG!  What will this do to the stock market and even more, what will this do to the election?  And, speaking of elections ... 
Texas allows voter to drop off ballots at only one spot in each county!  Only one spot!  California allows drop off at all public libraries.  South Carolina requires the signature of a witness for each ballot that is submitted by mail.  Yes,  voter suppression is alive and well. 

The first presidential debate was last week and it was a simple and utter disaster.  Thankfully the commission has decided to make some much needed changes before the next debate.  Of course the late night crowd had a hey day with the fodder. (Gotta love Steven Colbert.). 


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