Thursday, October 22, 2020

Tuesday, 22 September 2020: Milwaukee


Happy Visa Day!  Happy Fall!

The first day of fall found us taking a quick road trip to Milwaukee for my visa.  I had abandoned this process two years ago when we learned that foreign residents can’t have a car with foreign plates.  Since we didn’t want our car to be confiscated and impounded, we changed our course.  We had planned all along to drive for a few years and then fly but losing my car wasn’t how we wanted to make the change.  
While I’ve been waiting for this, I’ve just been frozen and not able to focus on anything else.  First I was waiting and waiting for Butch to work on the yard.  Then I was waiting for the Visa thing.  What’s next?  Anyway, now Justin is a permanent resident of Mexico and I am a temporary resident.  

We drove to Erich’s for a short visit with him and the kids. We got to see his new house.  Hes done mountains of work in his yard.  Funny how, like his last yard, one can easily see his dad's influence.  

Last week...
We finished that damned puzzle!  It was a beast!  We wrapped it up and called Michelle.  She came to pick it up in exchange for tomatoes -- pretty good trade, but not good enough.

Mary celebrated her birthday.    Meanwhile, more than 200,000 people have died in America. The first CNN report of COVID 19 was 8 January 2020.  Who would have known?

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