Friday, August 11, 2023

Thursday, 15 March 2023: Winter Drive


We bid farewell to Yuri and Irene. We took them a loaf of banana bread for the road. 

Looked at other houses in the neighborhood. 

I really like this house; I really like the treasures we have stored in the garage. I sure don’t want to pay capital gains taxes on the proceeds from the sale of the house. Even more I don’t want to get that phone call in the middle of July letting me know the AC has gone out. 

We met with Judy, a real estate agent from the Stacy group. She was quite negative.  I wasn’t very impressed.  

I saw Aunt Judy in HEB!  Oh my goodness. I saw that a lady had dropped a piece of produce. When it rolled toward me I picked it up and handed it back to her. She said ”it wanted to go home with you.”  She was my Aunt Judy — same petite body, same perfect hair, same animal print top and ballet flats. Same warm smile. I had tears in my eyes when I told Justin about it. I just needed to take a moment. 

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