Friday, August 11, 2023

Saturday, 4 March 2023: Celestun

We went to Merida on Thursday to bid farewell to Carole. 

Dog food and cat food for the duration of our winter stay and well into the summer whie we are gone filled our car but there was still room to fit in meds for Gemma.  At 1/2 tab each week, that didn’t take much room.  I know they are cheaper here than in the US.  We got  the oil changed in the car as we are getting ready for our trip north.

On the real estate front, we got things set up with Eduardo to complete the repairs we need to do on Winter Drive before we list the house for sale.  I’m totally convinced this is the right choice.

We’ve decided to wait until October when we return to think about listing Celestun.

Justin has been busting his ass painting and trying to finish up in the family suite.  We want to get that complete. Ricardo came to paint; Catalino has installed the ceiling  fans and continues step by step.

Hugo and his team continue working on the garage.  They bought a cement mixer last week.  I missed my chance to take a picture when it was new and shiny.  Just one day in, covered in grease and grime, who’d have known it was brand new yesterday? 

New doggy door.

I’m trying to work my way through the frig and freezer.  I made an apple cake yesterday since we had some apples that were getting sad.  I’d just bought more walnuts when we were in Merida and now I’ll need to buy more eggs.  I think I’m going backwards.  Plus, Justin would add that I chose the hottest day of our year to have the oven on full blast.  If it is this hot in March… OMG.  When I went out to buy tortillas this morning, the temperature gauge in the car read 98’!!!

Dick Sheldon called. He’s giving us our deposit back!  We’d planned to be in one of his slips at Maple Beach Marina in Montague. That’s a pleasant surprise. So now Justin has contacted Brian McCracken to see if we can our old slip back.  


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