Friday, August 11, 2023

Sunday, 12 March 2023: Suites Leyfer, Cordoba


We decided to stay one more night in our lovely hotel and just take the day for ourselves.  The lounge chairs out by the pool were just too inviting.  

Reading news, Aaron Rogers still commands attention.  Why should he make a decision and then he’d no longer dominate all the airwaves.  Daylight savings time is coming in second on the line-up.  Mexico has decided not to ever change their clocks again and the US is trying but the legislation hasn’t stuck yet.  All I can say is let’s just move on to more important thing like coffee.  Our fabulous hotel has a Kuerig-like coffee maker and I travel with real coffee.  Since I want to lallygag about in bed and in my pjs I made Cowboy coffee for the first time ever.  Guess that counts as my new recipe of the week.  I wouldn’t necessarily consider it a “keeper” as I’ll be glad to get back to a real old-school coffee maker.  

And, lallygag we did.  We hung out all morning and most of the afternoon.  We enjoyed breakfast in bed — the banana bread we’d brought from home and fresh delicious pineapple we bought on the road yesterday.  A late afternoon swim and the lounge chairs were perfect.  

Dinner in the hotel.  Looking back, I’ll question my decision to order raw oysters…whatever was I thinking.  They were good and no problems thankfully.  Justin ordered a pasta dish.  Now there's a surprise!

Justin got kicked out of Facebook and needed to get back in.  This is a first world problem. 

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