Sunday, February 19, 2023

Thursday, 25 August 2022: aboard Purr

Yesterday we went to Oh Brothers for a late lunch.  They have an interesting menu that it a bit different from so many of the other restaurants around that a all seem to have the same thing.  I had a walleye Rueben and it was yummy.  Justin had pulled pork with potatoes and a Ceasar salad.   

Today, we continued our task of making Montague our own and went to The Homestead for breakfast.  Initially I’d seen chicken and waffles on the menu but then I learned it was no longer offered.  Even though my breakfast burrito was quite good, they still lost points on the chicken and waffles.

We went out for a sunset cruise.  Earlier in the week I’d found a couple of bottles of Montapulciano de Abruzo at Montague Foods.  We’d planned on enjoying one this evening but after a few good sized waves that had been kicked up when a large boat passed by rather quickly, well, the kitchen looked like a slash-rama was being filmed.  I made an unplanned run to Walmart to buy salt so ideally we will have a mound of pink salt on the carpet in the kitchen in the morning.  

Justin and I finished Jane the Virgin before we left Green Bay.  We also finished The Blacklist and last night we finished The Umbrella Academy.  That means all we are watching right now is All American.  Way
too much TV, but one has Covid.  

Justin caulking earlier in the week.  

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