Thursday, October 22, 2020

Sunday, 11 October 2020: Hartung

We went for a convertible ride one afternoon last week.  We were a bit late for vibrant colors but it sure was nice to get out for a bit.  After a drive by an Llama Farm and a stop for cheese curds, we made it to Brussels in time for another magnificane sunset.  


We’d been busting it at Hartung getting it ready to put on the market.  Jim has been here each day working on the basement and the deck leaving Justin and me to do all sorts of other projects.  A colorful assortment of  chrysanthemums added pops of color throughout the yard before Cindy and Dawn came on Sunday for photos.  I was touching up with red paint at the bar when they arrived.  The house will go on the market late on Monday...we wait.

So when I was in Japan, maybe a year or so before Justin arrived, I bought a mattress and box springs.  I got a small flat screen tv as a purchase gift.  I had it set up in the monster room when I lived in Hamura.  The entire time we lived in Germany, the tv never came out of the keller.  I was going to set it up downstairs where i had the ironing board but I never could find both the tv and the base.   Fast forward to retirement and to Brussels, the tv has been reunited with its base and I hooked it up here at Hartung.  The remote still works too.  We got a little rabbit ear antenna and we can watch local TV!  We haven’t done that in years!  One of the first things we watched this weekend was the Texas/ OU football game.  It was a heartbreaker.    After four periods of overtime Texas went home defeated.  No state fair this year for folks to drown their sorrows.  So sad!  The Packers had a bye this week so they’ll be rested and ready to go against the Buccaneers next Sunday.  Will we have an offer on the house by then?

Monday, 5 October 2020: Hartung


We worked like Trojans on the yard at Hartung.  Justin says he thinks the yard looks even better now that it did for our reception in July of 2014.  I told him I didn’t agree but I know that I was looking at everything through rose colored glasses then.  Dawn came over to take the outside photos for the listing with Caldwell Banker.  It was too windy for her to use her drone so she will take those shots later.  Now, we will turn our attention back to the inside.  I keep thinking that this part will come together quickly... we will see.  I seem to get distracted by “other” things along the way.  I need to keep a laser-like focus.  

I got the internet connected at Hartung last week and I got the tv connected too.  
Packers defeated the Atlanta Falcons last night.  At week four with four wins and zero losses things are looking great!  We have a bye next week. I think it is way too early in the season to have a bye but it looks like the Packers need it right now since they are riddled with injuries.  

Trump has coronavirus!  OMG!  I wouldn’t wish this off on anyone but OMG!  What will this do to the stock market and even more, what will this do to the election?  And, speaking of elections ... 
Texas allows voter to drop off ballots at only one spot in each county!  Only one spot!  California allows drop off at all public libraries.  South Carolina requires the signature of a witness for each ballot that is submitted by mail.  Yes,  voter suppression is alive and well. 

The first presidential debate was last week and it was a simple and utter disaster.  Thankfully the commission has decided to make some much needed changes before the next debate.  Of course the late night crowd had a hey day with the fodder. (Gotta love Steven Colbert.). 


Friday, 2 October 2020: Hartung


Trump has coronavirus!  OMG!  I wouldn’t wish this off on anyone but OMG!  What will this do to the stock market and even more, what will this do to the election?

The first presidential debate was last week and it was a simple and utter disaster.  Thankfully the commission has decided to make some much needed changes before the next debate.  Of course the late night crowd had a hey day with the fodder. (Gotta love Steven Colbert.). 

Jim and his son have been at Hartung working on the house...prepping the deck for refinishing, cleaning and painting in the basement, replacing and painting the front steps, painting the exterior foundation.  We found Jim through Anne Marie thankfully he's able to do some of the heavy lifting.  I'm tired of Jusitn (and me) working his ass off.  Perhaps driven by my goal to streamline, we’ve talked with Cindy Loritz about selling and we are preparing to put the house on the market.  

Sunday, 27 September 2020: By the bay


Packers are 3 and 0 after their win over the New Orleans Saints today.  Go Pack Go!!!  We've been going to Jordan and Kris' cottage to watch the games.  I'd be fine on our small TV but Justin prefers the big screen experience.  Gemma dpesn't mind at all where we watch the game.  It is all good.  

I tried my hand at baked risotto last week.  Total success!  Long ago I learned to bake a roux and then somewhere I learned to bake steel cut oats.  Why not risotto?  The recipe was from The New York Times and it was delicious.  I followed their technique from one recipe but the ingredients from a tomato risotto recipe.  This may be one of the best things we've eaten all summer!  
Anne Marie stopped by Hartung to visit and shared pears.  they were a bit mealy to eat plain and in salads, so I made pear bread with the first of the batch.  it was ok but a bit dry.  
More bird seed bread -- that's always a hit!

Justin prepared breakfast one morening last week.  His yogurt, berry, granola parfaits are always so much prettier than mine.  Our homemade yogurt sure is good!  

What else is going on?  Ruth Bader Ginsberg died.  When I learned the news, Sean was visiting, her and Justin were out by the fire.  WHen I went to tell them, our first words were "We are so screwed."  This will be one of those markers in our lives.  Where were you when Kenedy was shot...when the Challenger exploded... 9/11... RBG's death.  OMG!!!  Trump has proposed her replacement and of course, he wants her in place before the elections.  
Trumps taxes have been disclosed.  That was an eye-opener.  
Wisconsin is having a spike in corona virus cases... maybe we should have stayed in Mexico.?.?

Justin and I completed a NYT crossword puzzle today.  It took both of us and it took over an hour.  And that was an easy one.  

 Wednesday, 23 2020: in my kitchen

I made yogurt this week.  I bought a Greek Yogurt maker and went to town.  We can't get plain yogurt in Celestun and, if we get back to Mexico at all this winter, our trips to Merida will be less frequent.  So... I learned to make yogurt.  It was delicious; so thick and rich and delicious!  I think I'll make some more!
I also tried my hand at fried green tomatoes.  That was a first for me.  Yummy!!!  We got our tomatoes from Michelle.  Wonder if we can get more???

We booked our flight for 17 November.  You gotta love the airline industry.  The flight from Green Bay to Merida, through Chicago and Houston is cheaper than the flight from Houston to Merida alone!  We thought we'd drive to Texas and leave the car, maybe at Uncle Harrold's and then fly from there.  Then COVID... then Uncle Harold, then ...  And now I find it is significantly cheaper to fly out of Green Bay.  Go figure!  
Now I need to work on the paperwork for Gemma.  I have the validation that she is my Emotional Support Animal, now I'll submit that to United and see what hoops are next.  

Justin chopped down basswood trees on the preserve part of our property.  Gotta love a man wielding his chain saw!

We’ve decided not to sell and not to rent Hartung.  We will hang out there for the last month or so before we fly.  We will need to blow out the lines and shut this place down.  Justin has been trying to talk me into Hartung as an Air BnB for several years.  I am warming up to the idea.

I listed a few things on Facebook Marketplace and found success. The red couch from Brusssels is gone as is the stinking trundle bed.   I was so, so happy to see that walk out the door!  I hated that thing.  Now it is gone.  We still have the trunk and the duck decoys and a few other items. 


Now I need to make a giant list of all the things we need to do.  I've been a list maker from way back -- thankfully.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020: Milwaukee


Happy Visa Day!  Happy Fall!

The first day of fall found us taking a quick road trip to Milwaukee for my visa.  I had abandoned this process two years ago when we learned that foreign residents can’t have a car with foreign plates.  Since we didn’t want our car to be confiscated and impounded, we changed our course.  We had planned all along to drive for a few years and then fly but losing my car wasn’t how we wanted to make the change.  
While I’ve been waiting for this, I’ve just been frozen and not able to focus on anything else.  First I was waiting and waiting for Butch to work on the yard.  Then I was waiting for the Visa thing.  What’s next?  Anyway, now Justin is a permanent resident of Mexico and I am a temporary resident.  

We drove to Erich’s for a short visit with him and the kids. We got to see his new house.  Hes done mountains of work in his yard.  Funny how, like his last yard, one can easily see his dad's influence.  

Last week...
We finished that damned puzzle!  It was a beast!  We wrapped it up and called Michelle.  She came to pick it up in exchange for tomatoes -- pretty good trade, but not good enough.

Mary celebrated her birthday.    Meanwhile, more than 200,000 people have died in America. The first CNN report of COVID 19 was 8 January 2020.  Who would have known?

Monday, 14 Sept 2020: Hartung

Football yesterday.   Yes, it looks like we might really have an NFL season.  No pre-season and not much in the way of training camp, but we are having games.  Go Pack Go!!!  The Packers season opener and a win over The Vikings was a great way to start the season.

Today we went back to Hartung and focused on the yard.  We need to get this done before the weather changes.  That meant runs to the yard waste center for me.  

These sun flowers eaily stand 7' tall.  Justin planted maybse a dozen but only one thrived.  

It started growing and just didn't stopp!

Justin is simply a news junky. He reads the Times, CNN, and a few others each day.  At least we get some relief with football news.  I grow weary of it all.
I didn’t know we had a “black national anthem.”  I think I have a problem with it too.  I’m fine with Lift Every Voice and Sing as a song for civil rights, but a national anthem?

Nineteenth anniversary of 9/11... when that catastrophe happened, we came together as a nation.  Today we are more divided than ever.  

USPS is still under the gun.  Funny how voting is being used as a political pawn and USPS is right in the thick of it.  So, so strange.  

Hastas in bloom outside the front door in Brussels.  

Sunday, 6 September 2020: By the Bay

This three-day weekend found Justin and me in Brussels out by the water.  We talked about where we might have gone if we were still in Europe... Spain, Italy, somewhere local and more close to home?  Somewhere new or back to re visit an old favorite?  As it is, we probably really wouldn’t be traveling there any more than we are here.  What crazy times these are.

The weather is already starting to get more cool.  It may be time to book our flights.

In talking to Nathanael, I volunteered to complete a jigsaw puzzle for his mom.  She wants to frame it when complete (strange) and she doesn't mind that it will have been completed by someone else (also strange) but I though - no big deal, Justin and I can have this done in three days.  This puzzle is a BEAST!  

When we were accepting Household Goods from Germany I gave oodles of sewing supplies away.  Lisa gave many of the quilting supplies to her friend Renee Stennet.  What a friend!  There was an entire set of quilt squares in all that stuff that my mom had finished when she could still sew. Renee took the quilt squares, added fill, backing and binding and then quilted the piece and sent it to me.  My mom is so with me through this quilt.  If they say that she who dies with the most fabric wins, then Renee and I both won.  Thank you Ann!

It looks like we might still have a football season.  There haven’t been any preseason games but teams are progressing with making final cuts to their rosters and building practice squads.  If all goes according to plan the Packers will face the Vikings in Minnesota next Sunday.  

And... I think I'm actually caught up on our blog!  Now that hasn't happened in like ... ever!

Friday, 4 September 2020: Brussels

Justin and I continued with yard work this week. This week he was able to get out into the north part of the property and start a bit of clearing.  I know not to interfere with a man and his new chain saw!  It is really coming along quite nicely but now it has become a race against time since fall is in the air.

The wind and waves have been pounding almost all week.  At least I don’t cringe with each wave like I once did.  

Nathanael has started back to school so he can’t come very often but he was here today.

School has started again in some places.  I am SO, SO glad I am retired!!!

We are heading to Mexico in early to mid November.  The Yucatan opened up on the first of September and we are going.  We can e just as safe there as we are here.  Of course, this means no Aholi -- goodness I miss her!

We are selling Hartung.  We’ve made a decision...I think.  We finished painting in the kitchen. We will get Jason out to rehang the cabinet doors.  I didn't mark them when I took them down and I've been told that was a major mistake.  Who would have known?  

 Now we have to decide if we are getting this house ready for us or ready to sell.  ???

We are continuing our way through Netflix

We still haven’t eaten off anyone’s dishes other than my own since March.

Sunday, 16 August 2020: Happy Birthday to Paula

With this many birthdays, there’s no way to fit it all into one day.  Yesterday morning Justin went to April’s to get me my favorite Hashbrown Sandwich.  He got a chili skillet.  We hadn’t been to April’s all season and she still remembered our order.  I can't stand paper plates so we did take it out of the styrofoam containers and put our breakfast on our own dishes and it sure was good.  

Like so many others during this pandemic I’ve been finding success with yeast breads so I decided I wanted to make Nussplunder.  This is a delicious delicacy I often enjoyed from the Barbarossahof bakery when we lived in Germany.  I found a seemingly authentic German recipe for the delicious nut filled pastries and I set my course.  The yeast dough must rise several times so it did take a lot of time, albeit most of it is passive time, but what else is a girl to do on her birthday? 

Our sunset sail was followed by a delicious steak dinner.  

And what was even best was that we continued celebrating the following day.

Dellene sent another jigsaw puzzle.  This year’s theme was Games We Played.  Justin and I started working on the puzzle.  Armed with mimosas we were set for a glorious day.