Friday, November 22, 2019

Tuesday, 29 October 2019: Merida

Sunday into Merida for the game and then errands on Monday. 
Aaron Jones was just on fire!  Within multiple screens, I popped back and forth between the Astros and the Packers.  And the Texans won Sunday too.  Charlsy said “all three of my teams won today.”

Don Ivan came to meet us to go shopping together on Monday.  He and Justin shopped at a few stores and then settled on solar hot water heaters from Fernandez and his hammer drill from Home Depot.  We are buying his hammer drill and then he will work off payment.

Last year Justin and I made a goal of “making Merida our own.”  Thankfully, I’d used my expert orienting skills and found the plant store so we were able to stop by there and make a bunch of choices — indoor plants, outdoor plants including hibiscus, Royal palms, stag horn fern, and all sorts were of pots, large and even larger and small.  We stopped by later this afternoon to pay and it was way dark by the time we were driving home.  I hate that road in the dark.

Our treasures that will be delivered from the plant tore.  

We arrived home to no power.  We’d passed by the trucks working on our road and Don Ivan said “there is no power in the village”. We stopped by to drop off Peter’s goods; he said it had been off for several hours.  It came back on but only partially just as we were unloading the car.  On, in this case, "partially" meant a very low wattage.  Some of our lights worked, we could charge our phones, the fans turned but at a very slow speed.  Certainly no washing machine or air conditioners would have been operable.  
We learned that the governor was visiting Celestun on Tuesday morning.  This meant that the village wouldn’t take any action until after the visit was complete.  Since they had to replace two poles, they were going to need to turn the electricity off completely for several hours.  So that work started early afternoon on Tuesday and was back on right at 5:00 pm just as Tom and Meche were walking in the door for dinner. 

We had a delightful evening with our guests.  I had planned to make steak salad but changed the menu to chicken sandwiches given the electricity dilemma.  Justin made guacamole and I made caponata to accompany our chicken sandwiches.  Prompted by a seemingly innocent question from Justin, “who do you like for 2020?”, Tom launched into a brief history of American history since the end of WWI, the connections, good and bad with the countries in central and South America and the role of the Mafia in all of the above.  He has no love for the any of the Bush’s and especially not for Dulles.  He suggested a few books to read, but, well, maybe not just yet.  I think I am a bit more likely to read about Ruth Bader Ginsberg right now.  Or maybe I’ll go back to Candy Crush.  

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