Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday, 1 November 2019: Casa Colibri

We have our first real guests lined up.  Quite a few people have been here to visit, some even twice.  Frank was here last winter, but “real guests” Rick and Brenda from Ontario will be here for four days in February.  Wow!!!  We aren't sure how they found out about us but will we will have ask...advertising and all...

A year or so ago when visiting Dellene in Austin, Justin concluded that “Everything is on Burnet”. And now we learned that even Beto’s campaign headquarters was on Burnet. He threw in the towel today; I do hope he will run for senate.

Reina made a snack for after Pilates.  The special pubil is pork cooked in banana leaves.  Traditionally cooked in an pit, Reina cooked this one in the oven.  I've eaten this three or four times and while each has been totally different, they've all been delicious.

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